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Gian Maurizio Fercioni è nato a Milano nel 1946, frequenta il  Liceo Artistico di Brera e il Corso di Scenografia presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera dove si diploma nel 1970.  Debutta al teatro della Scala di Milano e da allora ha lavorato  come scenografo e costumista per i più importanti teatri dell’Opera d’Europa e per molti films.

Parallelamente -nel 1970- ha aperto a Milano il suo tattoo studio (aprendo al pubblico  anche  la sua collezione storica e antropologica)   uno dei primi  in Italia  e tuttora uno dei più qualificati; il  suo "Queequeg Tattoo Studio & Museo" ( che nel 2000 ha ottenuto il patrocinio del Comune di Milano)  in zona Brera  è un punto di riferimento molto importante per chi si interessa di tatuaggio ed è conosciuto in Europa e nel resto del mondo.

Ha lavorato in Francia, a Lione, e in Inghilterra , a Oxford , ha partecipato negli ultimi trent’anni alle principali convention di tatuaggio nel mondo.

G.M. Fercioni esegue tatuaggi sia con le macchinette elettriche sia a mano con la tecnica tradizionale giapponese che ha imparato dal grande maestro Horiyoshy III in Giappone. Espone nel suo museo un'importante collezione di "tutto ciò che ha a che vedere con il tatuaggio": strumenti moderni e primitivi , tavole originali di disegni per tatuaggi provenienti da varie parti del mondo, stampe d'epoca e fotografie di personaggi tatuati di ogni provenienza, e....Tra i suoi clienti vi sono molti personaggi dello spettacolo e  dello sport, dell’aristocrazia e dell’alta borghesia  italiana.

Fondatore della T.I.P.A. (Tatuatori  Italiani Professionisti Associati ) ; Socio Onorario della T.A.I. ( Tatuatori Associati Italiani)  e  socio dal 1978 della National Tattoo Association che raccoglie i più importanti tatuatori di tutto il mondo.




Gian Maurizio Fercioni was born in Milano the 19 December 1946, studied at the art school and took his degree at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in 1970.  The same year he started working as art director and costume designer at the Scala Opera Theatre in Milano. Since then he has worked as art director and costume designer for the most important Opera Theatres of Europe and for many films.

In 1970 he also opened his tattoo studio in Milano, the first one in Italy.

His “Quietude Tattoo Studio & Museum” has been and still is an important reference point for everyone interested in tattooing and is well known in Europe and in the rest of the world.

GMF has worked as tattooist in France and England and has taken part of many important conventions organized in Europe in the past 30 years.

GMF works with electrical machines and by hand with the Japanese irezumi technique he learned from his friend Horiyoshi III.

In his Museum he has exposed his collection of “anything that has to do with tattooing”: modern electric machines and primitive instruments, ancient prints and photos of tattooed people from different countries…. tattoo drawings from all over Europe, India, Birmania…books, films…. And much more….

Many famous actors, singers, sport and football champions and other VIPs are clients of his tattoo studio

He founded the first Italian Tattoo Association, T.I.P.A. ( Tatuatori Italiani Professionisti Associati)  and he is since 1978 a member of the National Tattoo Association.

He has published a book on Horiyoshi III and his wife Luisa Gnecchi Ruscone is the author of other four books: one on the history of tattooing, one on the Masters of tattooing in Europe and USA, one on the techniques: primitive instruments and the electrical machines, and a dictionary of the meanings of the most common symbols in western and tribal tattoo. She also writes regularly articles for “Tattoo Life” revue on the history and culture of tattooing.

A part from this very schematic and “cold” biography , tattooing has been for GMF a real passion since he discovered it at 8 years reading Melville’s “Moby Dick”. He began tattooing his friends at the art school and continued tattooing all the theatre  and movie people he worked  with later, then he opened his tattoo shop and carried on both professions  giving most he could to both and getting the best from each one. Tattooing has been a “choice of freedom” has given him the chance of working  with great fun and amusement, never forgetting that “tattoo is the most serious game you can play”.

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